Friday, December 2, 2011

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By Haitang Yu on March 07, 2011 0

Characteristics of the ambassadors: gender, age and field of activity On the 14 advertisements analyzed 9 (64%) show male ambassadors and 5 (36%) show female ambassadors. The visuals illustrate only one person; it enhances the concept of individualism. Among the women, 4 (80%) are young adults and 1 (20%) is an adult. For the men, 5 (55%) are young adults and 4 (45%) are adults. Globally, there are 9 (64%) young adults and 5 (36%) adults. There is no senior in Omega's advertisement. The Rolex seadweller replica choice of young ambassador expresses Omega's will to be recognized by the youth. Figure 40 shows the domain in which Omega is active through the use of its ambassadors. The most important domain is the show business. This field encompasses actors, top models and singers and represents 4 (28.6%) advertisements. Then swimming corresponds to 3 (21.4%) advertisements, sailing and golf are each pictured on 2 (14.3%) advertisements. Finally, tennis, surf and motor sports encompass each 1 (7.1%) advertisement.

Omega is present in many domains, but each time with a small number of celebrities. The Rolex prince replica important presence in show business confirms that Omega wants to attract attention on the brand in order to increase the brand awareness among customers. Domains of Celebrity endorsers for Omega Figure 41 shows that a majority of the advertisement (4 ads,cartier love bracelet replica paypal, 35.7%) shows male young adults. Female young adults and males adult appear equally on 4 (28.6%) visuals. Finally, there is 1 (7.1%) advertisement showing a female adult. Figure 42 shows the repartition of the attributes among advertisements. Hedonism is shown on 4 (28.5%) advertisements. Victory and beauty are each used for 5 (35.7%) of the Rolex milgauss replica advertisement. Frequency of attributes for Omega Figure 43 shows the repartition of the gender for the attributes. In order to respect, actual proportions, each attribute should encompass around 60% of male ambassadors and 40% of female ambassadors. Victory is pictured as a male concept with 5 (100% of the victory ads) advertisements associating victory with a male ambassador. Hedonism is pictured with the use of male in 3 (75%) cases and woman in 1 (25%) case.

Finally, beauty is incarnated by women in 4 (80%) cases and by men in 1 (20%) case. Proportion is not respected; the Rolex masterpiece replica repartition of the gender among attributes follow common interpretation of male and female tasks: women are pretty and men are strong, they achieve victory. Figure 44 shows the proportion of adults and young adults that is used to represent each of the attributes. Considering actual proportion of young adults and adults, each attribute should contain, respectively 64% and 35%. Victory and beauty are represented 3 (60%) times with young adults and 2 (14.3%) times with adults. Hedonism is represented 3 (75%) with young adults and 1 (25%) time with an adult. Proportions are close to be respected; it means that Omega uses ambassadors homogenously among attributes. The three different attributes are represented buy young adults and adult.

Figure 45 shows that each domain represents essentially one of the three attribute. Beauty is pictured with 4 (80%) ambassador coming form the show business and 1 (20%) ambassador of the world of tennis. Hedonism is represented with the Rolex gmtmaster replica use of the surf (1 ad, 25%), sailing (2 ads, 50%) and golf (1 ad, 25%). Finally, victory is associated with swimming (3 ads, 60%) motor sports (1 ad, 20%) and golf (1 ad, 20%) Key findings Omega has an important number of celebrities active in the domain of show business. Anna Kournikova has been classified in the "tennis" domain but she is not likely to be used as such, considering her average results on the field. Therefore,cartier love charity bracelet cost, even though she is a tennis player, she can be used as a member of the show business. What is more, the "show business" celebrities can not be considered as the most stable one. First of all, ambassadors from the show business might be difficult to manage and their future behavior is usually unpredictable. As an example, Anna Kournikova is often the target of paparazzi and her vacation pictures are often found on the front page of newspaper.

Therefore, publicity and brand image developed with this ambassador might be difficult to control for the Rolex yachtmaster replica company. Nevertheless, Bush et al. (2004) suggest that Anna Kournikova belongs to the athlete that can favorably influence generation Y . Celebrities in the show business could be compared to a fashion phenomenon: one is a star today and tomorrow is forgotten. Brand is a phenomenon that should find its roots in duration, which is pretty much the opposite of fashion. Therefore, Omega rightly chooses to use multiple endorsements in order to avoid dependence on one ambassador and diversify its risk of a bad celebrity away.

Published at Sooper Articles - Ezine Articles Directory

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